We are experts at dealing with HMRC arrears
We have been negotiating Time To Pay plans with HMRC for businesses and individuals for almost 20 years. That is our sole area of business. All day, every day we are speaking with different people in different offices within HMRC’s debt management department. We have the direct lines, email addresses and mobile numbers for well over one hundred HMRC debt management officers from junior officers, field force agents right up to the most senior person in HMRC debt management.
We have access to HMRC’s internal debt management and banking manual which includes information and guidance to HMRC staff when considering and agreeing Time To Pay plan proposals. We also get any updates whenever they are made to this manual.
We know what to say
Knowing what to say (and just as importantly what to not say) to HMRC when trying get a payment plan is crucial. We know what HMRC’s criteria is for agreeing a payment plan and we know what things they consider, what questions they will ask and most importantly what answers they want.
We know who to speak to
Another crucial factor, and one that can make the difference between being refused a payment plan of any kind or getting a really long payment plan (years), is who you speak to in HMRC. This shouldn’t be the situation. You would think that whoever you speak to in HMRC you would get the exact same response but it is absolutely 100% the situation. Some people in HMRC are really nice, understanding and helpful yet some are the exact opposite. We don’t know why but they just are.
Speak to the wrong person and they may refuse your request for a time to pay plan. Speak to the right person and they may grant you a payment plan over many years.
We have the direct lines, email addresses and mobile numbers of over one hundred different people in HMRC’s debt management department. These are people we have known, and dealt with, for may years and these are the “helpful and nice” ones.
We know more than anybody else
There is no one else in the UK (even the World) that knows more about how HMRC go about collecting arrears in than our Managing Director, Phil Allingan. He speaks to HMRC’s debt management people, at all levels, every single day and has up to the minute information on what HMRC are allowing with regards to time to pay plans and what proposal they will, or will not, accept.
Most of our work comes as referrals from accountants, insolvency practitioners, lawyers, banks, finance companies and finance brokers but we are more than happy to help any business or individual who comes to us directly.
Why should you come to us and not go direct to your bank, accountant or insolvency practitioner?
None of the above deal solely and specifically with HMRC arrears and none of the above offer all the services that we do. Because of this they cannot have the expertise or knowledge that we have nor is it likely they will have as many contacts with HMRC debt management that we have.
Don’t suffer any longer having sleepless nights, dread opening the post or answering the phone or the door. Give us a call now and we will see if we can assist you in any way. Our initial discussion and first meeting is totally free of charge, without obligation and totally confidential.
Please give us a call for a free no obligation chat about how we may be able to help you.